Thanks to our friend Anny at Gearbest, today we have a review of the Ijoy Limitless Plus.
Gearbest has them available in four different colours for sale here:
Other Ijoy products (manufacturers of the Limitless Plus) are available here:
Ijoy products page : Ijoy Gear
We will also be including a build guide, below, which may be helpful to some vapers.
Also sent to us was a 10 pack of FocusEcig pre-made 0.5 ohm coils Fused Clapton coils
Last but not least, sent at our request, a nifty little tool made by Wotofo & included with some of their atomisers, which has 2 different sized hex keys & a philips screwdriver on it
We think these products are good value & combined will add less than $10Au to the cost of the Limitless Plus.
Certainly the Coils we are very happy with & will get a lot of use from, the tool is well made & is a welcome addition to the vaping tool kit.
However the tool would be more useful for other atomisers than it is for the Limitless Plus, atomisers that use hex head grub screws, unlike the Original Limitless Plus which uses philips heads
We always get excited by new vape gear arriving & when this package arrived from Gearbest it was no exception, we couldn't wait to open it.
The Wotofo tool is genuine & of good quality.
The Focusecig coils are well made & come in a nice, low profile, squared case, this case will not take up a lot of room in your vape kit, unlike some other pre-made coil cases.
The RDTA comes packaged in one of those nice clear plastic display boxes & has a cardboard outer sleeve with the Ijoy scratch to check sticker on the back of it for authenticity checking, also on the back is some specifications & product information.
Inside you'll find the RDTA, a spare GREY colored glass tank (this looks to me to be proper colored glass & not glass that has a membrane coating), a Black handled screwdriver which is quite good & an improvement upon the, standard, little "Magic Blue Screwdriver" that comes with many atties and a bag of spares with some other goodies in it.
In the bag of spares is a complete set of replacement o-rings, full set of replacemnt screws, 2 very decent looking stapled clapton coils (which unfortunately they do not indicate the wire they
used to make them but we would assume Kanthal), a 510 drip tip adapter & a silicone single coil adapter/plug.
The drip tip adapter can be used on its own without a 510 drip tip fitted & acts as a bore reducer on the chuff cap(which can be used without the adapter) but we prefer using our own 510 Drip
Tip in the adapter & find it has more than enough draw for us.
We absolutely love vaping with this RDTA, for several reasons.
Unlike bottom coil/bottom AFC RTAs, this has the AFC & coil on top (kind of obvious), which removes one of our biggest gripes with a lot of tanks - juice leaking or seeping onto our
Electronics don't like to swim in juice (it's true just ask them), we worry every time we see juice on one of our electronic mods, particularly if it is around the 510 connection where it can
find its way inside to the electronics.
On a mech mod, we are less concerned but it is still a problem if you have to clean juice off/out of your mod.
The Limitless Plus could also be named the Limitleaks Plus, we have not had it leak at all, no matter how we have positioned it. The only time we have had an issue with juice coming out of it, is
when refilling & not being careful enough.
The deck is large & easy to build on, as you can see in the build guide.
With a large deck comes the advantage of being able to use larger diameter coils. In our experience Larger inner diameter on a coil equals more juice flow, more juice flow means cleaner wicks,
that last longer without being replaced.
To the side is one of the 2 wicks removed after 10 days of use(both were in similar condition), 2pics - 1 of each side of the wick.
As you can see we have spread it apart to reveal the inner wick, the "gunk" is virtually non-existent & the wick has really only gone black on the outer part, where it was in contact with the
coil, the wick still has some juice on it, which is the brownish color on it.
We could have continued using these wicks for at least another 4 or 5 days, the flavor was still good when vaping with them but we wanted to take pics for this review.
It has more than enough airflow for even the most hardened cloud chasers but can be closed off enough for vapers that prefer a more restrictive lung inhale. MTL vaping with it is possible but
that is not its intended purpose, there are better devices made for MTL vaping, although we have not tried using it with the single coil plug installed & this may make it possible for a MTL
experience, since one side of the AFC is then completely blocked.
Depending on your build (& wattage setting of your mod), you can get a warm to hot vape, those that prefer a cooler vape may enjoy a bottom coil RTA more. However a cooler vape can be
achieved, using a non-sub-ohm build & less power.
We like a warm vape, as we find this brings out better flavor, without scolding our lungs etc & with the build we put into it this is exactly what we are getting.
The flavor this RDTA produces is as good an any RDA we have used.
Dripping was a great thing at one point in the evolution of vaping but with devices like this being produced, is becoming outdated.
RDAs still have a place for Squonkers or for vapers wanting to test new juices but for every day vaping, dripping is not as convenient as a device that can produce the same great flavor, without
the mess, that only needs to be filled once per day.
Filling the Limitless Plus is not difficult at all, there are 2 methods you can use.
You can lift the barrel so that the bottom edge is still on the top oring, leaving the barrel attached.
Or you can remove the barrel & expose the deck/coils.
Either method works fine & there is plenty of room for nozzles of many various dropper bottles to fit, even glass bottles that have eye droppers fill it with ease.
One thing to be aware of when filling, is not to create a liquid seal around the fill port, this will create an air lock & have juice coming down the side of the tank. The fill port also acts
as the air release for the tank while it is being filled.
However you can fill the tank completely, right up to where the fill port is almost over flowing, we have done this, then stood the tank upright & juice does not flow out from the hole.
Another great feature of this tank, that we really like about it, is that you don't need to ever remove it from your mod, not to fill, not to rebuild the deck or to replace the wicks, nor for
For those of you with RX200's, this is a very good thing indeed, as the 510 connection on the RX200's can in some cases be an issue, the less you have to screw on/off devices onto the 510, the
less likely it is going to be an issue. Also the thread length on the RDTA's 510, isn't too long for the RX200, which is suspected to be the problem with some tanks on that device.
There is very little we can fault on the Limitless Plus RDTA but we did find one thing.
The AFC slots on the barrel are slightly off set, this means that unless the AFC is left wide open, the air flow from one side is more than from the other. We do not think this is by design &
it may just be our unit that has this fault, mass production can sometimes have units with minor defects.
It doesn't hurt the performance of the device at all but it would be nice if the AFC was open the same amount on both sides.
We like everything else about this RDTA, for us it ticks all the boxes. Some may not like the patterning on the outside of the tank, we think it adds some style to the tank.
The 6.5ml capacity means you can get more than a full day's vaping on it, this may not be true for everyone but for our vape style it is. Using a 4-5ml tank could sometimes see us needing to
refill it at an inconvenient time, with the larger 6.5ml we can refill at any time of the day that is convenient.
Ijoy have done a great job in producing this tank, if you are not a strictly MTL vaper, then this may also be the tank for you.
We once again thank Anny & Gearbest for allowing
us to review this remarkable RDTA.
As with all new atomisers, we took the Limitless Plus apart & washed all the pieces in warm soapy water, however there was no noticeable smell or oily residue on the RDTA but we feel this is a sensible precaution for all newly received devices that will hold ejuice.
We let all the parts dry naturally, then chose 2 of the Fused Clapton coils to put on the deck.
Because the deck is large & allows for some nice big coils, we wanted to have a 3.5mm inner diameter on the coils.
The coils in the pack have a slightly smaller diameter (we think it is 3mm, sorry we didn't measure this), so we slightly unwound one leg of each coil then screwed the coil onto a 3.5mm rod.
Unwinding a leg slightly helps the coil get started when screwing it onto the rod.
This turns a 6 wrap coil into a 5 wrap coil, when you are done, which we think is ideal for this deck. If done correctly(take your time), the coil will still have good contact between the
Fitting the coils into the deck is easy, the post holes are large & owing to the velocity style deck, there is no need to measure & trim the leg lengths prior to fitting either coil.
Simply fit them in & trim the excess legs when both coils are fitted, with a pair of flush cutters.
Adjust the coils to the same height, best results will come from coils that sit above the AFC slots, this way the air flows from under the coil& to the side, which allows air to wrap around
the coil as it passes through the atty. Having the coils lower will mean the air flow comes in, hits the side & the top of the coil, missing the bottom & the back side of each coil.
With the coils situated the way you want them, you need to pinch & tweak them using pliers or tweezers(do not do this while holding the fire button unless you are using ceramic tweezers) to
get out hot spots/shorts & to ensure both are glowing from middle out, with a nice even glow on each coil. The glow should look the same on both coils, if one looks hotter than the other, you
need to tweak some more, until they both glow with the same intensity.
After you have the coils firing correctly, you need to give them some wick.
Getting the wick right on any RBA is just as important as getting the coils firing correctly, if your coils dont fire correctly you'll have problems, if your wicking isn't right, you'll have
With the 50mm x 60mm Organic Cotton sheets cutting wicks of the correct size is easy. We took 1 of the 10 sheets & cut it in half, then put the 2 halves one atop the other & cut about 1/4
off to make the wicks. So from the pack of 10 sheets you can easily make 80 wicks for the Limitless Plus, which is equal to about a 1 year supply.
To prepare the wicks we peel the top layer of the wick off of each wick, this exposes the fluffier inside of the cotton & helps juice flow more freely through the wick.
We leave the bottom layer on & then fold the bottom layer into the middle from both sides & then fold that in half again, bringing the cut edges of the cotton into the center of the wick & leaving the fluffier cotton exposed on the outside. Then roll the wick between thumb & forefinger (a bit like rolling a RYO cigarette) & pinch one end, giving it a twist to make it easier to thread through the coil.
With the wick threaded through, move it back & forth in the coil to get it to the correct amount of tension, ideally you want a wick that slides with a little bit of "grip" on the coil
You don't want a wick that is too tight in the coil this will cause dry or burnt hits, equally you don't want a wick that is too loose this can cause the deck to flood or if the wick is really
loose cause the juice not be able to keep up with heat from the coil & leave the top of the coil dry, giving a slight metallic taste to your vape(hot spot).
Finally, cut a 2-3mm off the twisted end of the wick & get it centered in the coil.
Do the same on the other side & you'll have something that looks like the picture to the side.
The deck has cut outs for the ends of the wicks to sit into, you need to be careful not to have strands of cotton on the threads next to the cut outs.
We found that applying a a few drops of juice to the top of each end of the wick, helped to keep stray strands from wandering onto the threads as we worked on the other sides of the wicks, the
juice also helps to hold the wicks in place.
This was our first attempt to build on this deck, the wicks were a little longer than needed by about 2mm on each end, on the following re-wick, the wicks were trimmed shorter & had no loss in performance. The advantage of less wick is it leaves more room for juice & you have less wasted juice when it comes time to replace the wicks but as long as your wicks length is somewhere between the top of the glass tank & the bottom of the deck they'll be fine.
With the wicks all in place, with no strands of cotton in the threads, place the tank sealing top over the deck & screw it on when it feels tight it should line up with the fill port in line
with one of the coils. Make sure there isn't any wick in the way of the fill port, use a small screwdriver to push the wick out the way if you need to (another advantage of trimming the wicks
shorter, they shouldn't be in the way ).
When you have it all set in place, you should soak the wicks fully, to get them primed for use. This will have the deck looking something like the picture to the side.
You can now fill the tank with juice, it will hold an impressive 6.5ml when completely filled to the top.
Next add the barrel (add a drop or two of juice to the orings the barrel slides over first, to make it easier to slide on), the air flow slots on the barrel are very large & probably much
larger than needed, so we line up one edge of each slot with the edge of each coil.
The top cap is also the AFC, with the 510 adapter, it comes in 3 parts.
The AFC part screws into the Delrin top cap (unlike on the clones which are press fitted), this means that over time if the delrin expands a little, the metal AFC will still be able to be screwed in tightly.
Adjusting the AFC is easy, thanks to the knurling on the side of the Delrin top cap, we find there is enough airflow with the AFC set to be in line with the other edge of the coil to the edge the barrel is set to (the AFC is roughly 1/3 open like this). This ensures that the entire coil has air passing over & around it, which we think is ideal.
You can now add your own drip tip & start vaping or you can use the Limitless Plus without a drip tip, if you want a wider bore to vape on.
Ijoy have released an updated version of the Limitless, called the Limitless Classic.
They have also released another RDTA atomiser they are calling the Combo RDTA.
Both work in essentially the same way the Limitless Plus does, with a few minor changes & some bigger changes.
The first change is in looks, gone is the bandana style patterning on the barrels, replaced by a classic gold on black for the Combo & plain coloured barrels on the Classic.
The top caps are also slightly different on each, however this will have minimal effect on performance we feel. This will have even less effect on performance, if you use the included 510DT adapter, that comes with each & your own Drip Tip.
Next a minor change, on the Combo the airflow slots are the same as for the Limitless Plus but on the Classic version these have changed too, instead of slots there is a line of 4 triangular cut outs on either side. Although we have not tested the Classic edition, we believe there may not be as much airflow with the AFC wide open because of this change. However, we feel the Limitless Plus has more than enough airflow & that a slight reduction in airflow on the Classic is not going to affect performance in any way.
Another minor change is in ejuice capacity, the Limitless Plus is rated by Ijoy to hold 6.3ml of ejuice(we were able to measure 6.5ml capacity), the Combo RDTA is rated by Ijoy to hold 6.5ml & finally the Classic is rated by Ijoy to hold 6.9ml. Whether these are real increases in capacity or not, we have not been able to test, however the 6.5ml we were able to fill in the Limitless Plus was sufficient for two days of vaping at our rates, we feel the slight increase is not going to be a big benefit to most vapers.
All three versions are 25mm wide (diameter), the height of each when looking at the specifications is different, the Plus is specced at 61.5mm but when we measured, not counting the 510 connection, it was 53mm.
Interestingly, the Combo is specced at 53mm, which we think may be the same measurement we took, without including the 510 connection, in other words we think they are likely the same height & specs when measured the same for both.
The Classic is specced to be 58mm tall, we think this may be taller than the other two & it would explain the increase in ejuice capacity.
Now for the major change, both the Classic & the Combo, unlike the Plus, have removable, interchangeable decks. These add some extra flexibility when building your coils and some vapers may prefer one deck type over another. Whichever deck you choose, we feel that the performance is going to be mostly the same & that the main advantage will be in variety of build types or ease of building.
Also the interchangeable decks are now gold plated, rather than the plain Stainless Steel on the Plus, this should promote better conductivity & lower volt drop on the decks a little. This may add a minute or two of run time to your battery but it is likely you will not notice the difference in run times, if you are using good quality, high capacity, batteries such as our Samsung 30Qs.
Because these decks can now be removed, both the Combo & Classic RDTAs have included in their kits an RDA base. That's right, these atomisers can now be used in dripping mode, if you don't want to use them with the tank. We expect that most vapers will simply want to use them in RDTA mode & possibly may try the RDA mode once or twice when they first get the device, although it is a nice feature, which you get in the kit for free.
Another big change, is the ability to buy & use disposable, pre-made, coil decks, there are two types available the first having 3 coils & one of these is included in the kit, the next having 2 coils but not included in the kit. These may come in handy in some situations, we believe however that the greatest advantage of all three types of these RDTAs, is that you can build your own coils, to tailor the vape to your own liking.
So which one should you choose?
Performance-wise, in RDTA mode, we believe all three types of these Ijoy RDTAs, will be virtually the same, with the same type of build on each.
If you already have the Limitless Plus, then unless you really want the ability to use the same device as a RDA sometimes, then we do not think buying one of the newer versions is needed.
If you don't want the RDA ability or the ability to change decks & you like the patterning on the Limitless Plus, then there is no reason not to buy one.
If you like the looks of the Combo, with it's classic gold on black looks, then you may want to buy that instead.
If you like the colours of the Classic RDTAs or the plain black over the black & gold of the Combo RDTA, then you may want to buy one(or more) of those.
Whichever you choose, you won't be disappointed, you will be getting a very good performing RDTA.
Gearbest has the Combo RDTA and Classic RDTAs, available in different colours, for sale here: