About Us

We have been mixing ejuice since February 2011.

In that time we have seen many changes and advances in vaping products.

Our Story

We have used a great number of vaping devices, while testing them with our eliquids, to ensure consistency across our range in multiple devices.


We are not satisfied with ejuice that is "near enough", we seek out & test many different brands of flavourings for use in our products. Selecting only the best, most authentic tasting, flavours for use in our blends.

Our Mission

We aim to help smokers make the switch to vaping and to give vapers a truely unique vaping experience, with our signature range of flavours.

Vaping can save lives according to health experts around the world.

As vapers ourselves, we have experienced the benefits of making the switch and the general improvements in our own health because of it.


In the 2015 Inaugural VCA Awards;

Our mixologist was awarded:

Best Aussie Juice Mixer 2015

Vaper Cafe Australia, is an online forum community of vapers, dedicated to helping new vapers.

As well as being a place, where experienced vapers can socialise, in a friendly environment.

Discussion of other Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) methods & products is also welcome.